Hilton Head SC. Saturday July 24th Low Country Red Fish Tournament. Blast off at 5:30 am. Team Bendarod had two Reds in the Boat by 7am. We ended up the day with a total catch of 10 Reds by 11am. 5 of them in the slot and 5 outside the slot. All fish were caught on Big Nasty Baits and Buggs Lures. Our 2 fish weigh in was a little over 6 pounds putting us in 12th for the day and hopefully in the top 10 for the series. One of the funnest moments of the day was when I had caught a 30" plus Red on my Big Nasty Bait and the Red made a run, causing me to loose my balance on the bow of the boat and putting me over board. My team mate Capt. Jerry LHAO not even offering to help me back aboard. Many thanks to our sponsors; Southern Eagle Dist. LLC, Midcoast Products, Big Nasty Baits, Buggs Lures, Kubala Kustom Rods, Russell Lures, Okuma, Power Pro Line and Capt. Barlows O2 system keeping our catch alive