Sunday, February 14, 2010


Today is Valentines’ Day and like any other day it is a Great Time to go fishing and what made today special is that Capt. Jerry and I had the privilege to fish with Ray Screen who is a student at Bethesda School for Boys in Savannah Georgia. Ray is 14yrs old who like any other 14 yr old is interest in a lot of things other than fishing. I knew my task would be a big one to get him fired up about fishing, but knowing that a front was moving in on Monday, I had a good feeling that the Red fishing would be good as they would be in a feeding frenzy, if I could locate the school and Man was I right!! Capt Jerry and I put Ray on a huge school of Reds. Ray had caught several Reds over the 26 inch mark with his biggest being 30 and half inches. We had a great time and between Ray, Capt. Jerry and I we had manage to keep 12 and tagged and release eight over 24inches. Knowing that Ray Like to play XBOX Live I ask him which was better and with no contest it was Red Fishing Hands Down.

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